Solutech Limited

Solutech Limited

Five Misconceptions Manufacturers have about Digitization

The idea of change can be intimidating.

Intimidating to the point whereby industry leaders in the Manufacturing Sector are willing to pass up on achievement of overall business growth, that comes with implementation of a digital transformation plan.

Myths that come with digital technology transformation sidetracks a lot of manufacturing and distribution companies from proper evaluation of business and launching much needed modernized, information filled and data driven strategies.

Do not forget, there is a comfortability that has come with years of having a “defined process” that “works” deeming digitization unnecessary.

Five misconceptions that top the list and don’t hold truth happen to be:

  1. Digital Transformation is all Tech

To be honest, achieving digital competence relies less on tech deployment and more on cutting across boundaries that inhibit digital adaptation.

A company culture that is hesitant to get on board with the change will make the transformation slow, creating space for uncertainty to creep in.

Empower your employees with proper training and motivation to take on the new journey and make it known that the process requires engagement on multiple levels. It is definitely not a single job department( IT Department) but one that requires digital connectivity across the board.

2. It is a one-off thing

I have seen companies implement a system in place thinking that the rest would be effortless. In reality, true digital transformation is challenging and requires willpower and endurance.

The one thing about technology is that it is always evolving.

How else would you explain the progressive growth of features in handsets? For example, having a phone with fingerprint access seemed to be a big thing until the facial recognition feature rolled out a year or two later and was considered a more secure option.

Having your ear on ground, being informed and learning from your customers evolving will put you in a better position to cater to the same.

It will always be an ongoing process that will require a solid digital foundation that can easily spots trends and acts on them to maintain success.

3. “See and Implement” Mentality

If I had a penny for every time I had someone say, “I want to implement (insert a system’s name) as it is working for (insert a company’s name or competitor name).”

Following best practices as everyone is doing it is not the way to go. Your customers need and experience is what should be considered before joining the bandwagon.

Understand your customer and build digital experiences around that insight.

4. Means workforce downsizing

As digitization mainly involves automation of work processes, there can be a notion that this means reduction in manpower.

The fact however is, what may change is the job profile hence the need to amplify human capabilities rather than replacing them. The idea is to reduce time spent on task performance creating time for solving real problems and increasing productivity.

A need for people in place to ensure digital efficiency will be there. So fear not.

5. Digitization = Instant Results

Digitization is not as instant as Midas Touch. If at all, how you designed the process to work for you is what will guarantee ROI(Return on Investment.)

As earlier stated in point three, a better designed customer experience and efficiency in the process may have you ahead but what happens when your competitors implement the same transformation?

You need to get to the market faster with a more personalized value proposition. A proper plan that is inclusive and direct from the get go is what will make the journey suffice delivering results soon.

Synchronization of all departments working towards the same goal is essential if you want a guaranteed outcome of growth.


When strategizing about which path to undertake when it comes to digital transformation, have these five points in mind. All you need to do is to take that first step, which is critical. Who would not want a head start of their competition? It goes a long way. The sooner you bring your manufacturing bring your manufacturing company up to speed, the sooner it will be able to adjust with technology as trends shift.

One last important bit. Be keen on who you choose to go on your journey with. Advice to you would be, going with an experienced service provider is a smarter choice.


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