Solutech Limited

Solutech Limited

Driving sales using Retail Categorization.

Retail categorization  management has become an important part of conducting effective sale operations among different players in the manufacturing and distribution industry. 

With effective management ,organizational spending are reduced significantly and profits maximized to full potential due to the increased traffic of sales.

Wondering how retail categorization management can hike profits in your day to day sale operations?

Let’s briefly get to the ‘HOW’ question.

Improves sales reps performance–  Sale representatives  are able to  cope with the complexity of their daily  operations and maximize their return on investments(ROI). They  are able to know which range of products to sell and to which customers. This approach leads to increased sales and reduced on-ground time wastage.

Development of successful sale strategies- With proper management , selling strategies are tailor made to suit and satisfy  each customer category  needs. This leads to significant sales increase and profits, the ultimate goal for every business.  


Improves customer satisfaction and buying experience – Customers are able to find the right mix of products according to how they are interested in purchasing. Additionally ,Improvements in product range enhances customer satisfaction, store loyalty and reduces stock outs. 

Proper allocation and optimization of resources  Insights provided from proper category management allows businesses to focus on distinct areas of expenditure and where to adjust their supply chain model. 

From the above article, we cannot shun the fact that  retail categorization management has contributed immensely to the success of businesses that have adopted the approach.

With an all inclusive feature like Solutech SAT customer category management feature, Sales success is bound to follow. 

For more information on how you can scale sales operations using customer categorization data, reach out to us today on 0799471081 or 

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