Our relationships empower businesses through technology

Pezesha builds scalable lending infrastructure for SMEs by providing them with working capital. Solutech SAT users through Pezesha can grow and sustain their businesses through the access of affordable credit.

Finserve combines deep knowledge of financial systems to buid relevant customer-focused financial technology solutions that break down financial barriers.

Advantage is a highly efficient bulk SMS provider company. SAT users leverage on the instant delivery of SMS to send relevant communication and launch promotional marketing to customers.

Syspro ERP provides top quality solutions, processes and tools that gives manufactures and distributors full view into their daily business activities. We work in harmony with Syspro to ensure customers can leverage on a single source of truth to make informed business decisions.

UN Global Compact
Through ongoing partnership work with the UN Global Compact and its 25 year-old program, we are able to share our SDG goals advancement experiences and build on existing partnerships. This helps us towards achieving our SDG goals and instills confidence in communities about how large businesses can contribute to community development.

Kenya Association of Manufacturers(KAM)
KAM is the authority and body that oversees policies and regulations on the manufacturing sector, including importation of raw materials, products, and services and licensing of manufacturers in the country. We are proud to be an active member of KAM and as such we offer a wide range of sales and distribution solutions in our pipeline for all manufacturing firms.

We are open to new partnerships
A partnership with Solutech Limited can help in:
- Exchange of knowledge, skills, expertise, and insights in order to provide innovative solutions to organizations;
- Provision Salesforce automation and Merchandising solutions for FCMG (Fast Consumer Moving Goods) manufacturers;
- Provision of custom software solutions that meet the needs of the end users.
We are open to partnerships with the National Government, County Governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), civil society and advocacy organizations, Donors and international development partners, Technological Startups and Strategic Partners in technology.